Brand Manifesto
Desire For Impact
It drives everything we do.
We strive for impact in all facets of our work and the way in which we conduct our lives. Life is too short to be mediocre. We have no interest in being mediocre.
As artists we are inspired to design and install something beautiful. As athletes we bring a competitive passion to improve an industry desperately in need of improvement. The outdoor enthusiast in us loves nature – and seeks out practical ways to be better stewards of our environment.
We stay passionately curious. We love learning. We seek out best industry practices. We are committed to the lifelong journey of becoming better humans. We understand we will make mistakes, but are intentional in taking inventory and growing beyond them. In mind, spirit, and body. We are committed to being a positive driving force for good. We work towards becoming the best husbands, fathers, wives, mothers, siblings, friends, salespeople, installers, trainers, mentors, coaches, workers, and artisans we can be. The best version of ourselves. Giving ourselves grace throughout the process; always improving. The other side is growth and more fulfillment than otherwise possible.
We detest complacency.
We will pursue love.
We will take care of our neighbors, our customers, and each other. It is a good way to live. We will invest in our people. Deeply in our teams mental, physical, and spiritual health. When it comes to ensuring excellent service we believe in a simple truth – have excellent people. Our training goes far beyond customer care. Our desire is long term impact on each person that joins the Locke and Ladder team. Their growth is at the core of why we do what we do. And the result is a team that is best equipped to take care of each Locke and Ladder client.
We will do our best to always be kind.
Inherently, a desire for impact demands excellence.
Excellence in team culture, product offerings, installation standards, and homeowner experience. If being or becoming a person of excellence is not important to you, please do not apply to work here. This standard is at the heart and soul of Locke & Ladder.
As such our products are chosen for us. Impact demands quality. Any product we offer must have impact on the homeowners we work with. Better the communities we live in. They must enhance curb appeal with good design and color choice. They must have real impact on our environment. We will offer only those products we believe deliver lasting performance and benefit. We will sell only products we are completely sold on ourselves.
We love sales. We love the challenge. We love the interaction with people. We recognize sales is the engine that drives the world’s economy. We sell by listening first. We sell through education. We arm ourselves with extensive industry knowledge. We love the process of helping people make informed decisions. We love doing it better than anyone else. We love being experts in communication and delivery. We take pride in our craft. We love being experts in pinpointing our clients needs. Concise and effective, with feeling and empathy. We will sell with honor. We detest liars. We have no place for liars in this company. Impact requires integrity. We will speak of integrity only through our actions.
We will give back with intention. Never for optics or public praise. With gratitude, following our hearts.
We persist. Always. With insight.
We like doing hard things. Knowing that difficulty produces growth. We will be a national brand to reckon with and aspire to – as we aspire and stay inspired by so many people who do it well.
We are dreamers. We dream and think big, utilizing all of our imagination and creativity. We are also doers. We recognize the importance of being people who can actually get things done. We take practical determined steps – and make our dreams turn to real life.
We rebel against the old notions of what business should look like. Red tape and cubicles can go the way of the dodo. Hierarchy holding a mirror to merit. Lead from the front. Valuing all as highly as ourselves.
Seeking out fun and adventure. At work. Outside of work. everywhere. Because we want to smile while we live. Work will facilitate play as play informs the work. Our office will not be boring.
WE REFUSE to sacrifice our families for the company or for our careers. Our families take priority always. In the same vein, we will not sacrifice our mental or physical health for money. We take unplugged vacations. When we work, it is focused. And when we play someone else will be there to assist our clients.
By living our ethos we will find fulfillment in the day.
And one day we will reflect on the past. Toast the friendships, celebrate the accomplishments, and marvel at who we became throughout the journey. “Here’s to the impact – across lives, in communities, and every vertical we touched. It was a crazy ride…but we built something special.”
Sincerely later,
Locke & Ladder

CREDO: PRIORITY – Clients first, Team more first, Shareholders last.